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Year 5


Welcome to Year 5

Hello Everyone, Mrs Thomas here, extending a warm welcome to the year 4/5 page. I am very lucky to be spending this year with a lovely class, and together we will be aiming for excellent progress and lots of exciting and engaging learning experiences.

Staff in our class
Mrs L Thomas- Class Teacher
Mrs L Brown- Morning TA

Reading Books
Children in year 5 are becoming more confident and aware of the genre/author they enjoy the most. Children have access to a wide range of books in school and they are able to change their books as and when they finish their book. We encourage children to take their books home each evening and return them each day.This will be their responsibility, please encourage your child to remember to change their books and we will do the same. Children are more than welcome to read their own books from home too, along with magazines and newspapers. A wide variety of reading is encouraged.

Every Friday we will reading records to see what the children have been reading. Please make every effort encourage reading at home, listening to your child is still important even if they are independent. Finding a balance of independent reading and listening to your child is the best way forward.


For every book children read they will be given a raffle ticket which will go towards a raffle draw at the end of each term. 

Our topic this term will be Harry Potter

- Dance and Quidditch

- The history of witches

- a Geographical study of Scotland

-A design project based on trains and their history. A DT project to design and make a famous vehicle from HP ( the knight bus, Hogwarts Express, the ford Anglia or Hagrid's motorbike)

-Science- rocks ( the Philosopher's Stone)

- PSE friendships, kindness, new beginnings, Growth mindset, mindfulness 

- Music Hedwig's Theme and the orchestra and Composition of the troll 

-Art- silhouette printing, watercolour castles, owl collages.

Farmer's market stall- a selection of sweet treats inspired by the book, as well as wands created by the children.

English- Newspaper reports, letters, poetry, instructions, story-telling and a modern book by a well-known author.

Maths- Place value, addition and subtraction, 3D shapes, triangles, multiplication and division, money, data collection and time.




Tuesday- Netball/ Quidditch
Wednesday- dance


Black shorts and white t-shirt
If the weather is poor pupils will need wellingtons, old trousers and coats for Forest School
Please can children leave kits in school, an indoor and outdoor PE kit. This helps to ensure every child has their kit to take part in their PE lessons.

Healthy Snack
Snack can be provided at school for £1 per week preferably payed on the gateway. If bringing your own snack, fruit must be provided in line with the schools healthy eating policy. Please try to provide pupils with a water bottle as they are allowed access to water continuously within class. I would like to encourage children to bring a healthy packed lunch, concentration throughout the day is vital! This of course cannot happen if the food eaten at lunchtime is sugar-packed.
Pupils will be given homework to do in their learning logs. They may be asked to complete activities on my maths or research/ present information about a topic relating to their weeks learning. Pupils may decide how to present their work. There may be times when I ask pupils to work on paper as in the past homework has been of such a fabulous standard that I like to display the work on the wall. As well as learning logs can pupils practice their times tables at home too. I would like for pupils to become more confident in this area as the year progresses.


If there is an area of the curriculum you would like to support your child with, please come in to see me and I will share ideas and resource ideas with you. Homework will be given on a Friday and then should be returned by Tuesday, if this is not possible for any reason, please send in a little note with your child.


I really enjoy sharing our experiences with you, I will take photographs of your children and also put examples of work on the website. Keep your eye out for your superstar! Scroll down to the bottom of this webpage where you can find out more about various activities and see photographs of the children busy at work.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your co-operation and support. I am looking forward to another term with your children. Please feel free to pop in to see me if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to speak with you.

Thank you
Mrs. L Thomas

Year 4/5 here are some practice tests to have a look at or attempt over the holidays. 

Let the gardening begin! We will spend some time in our garden every Thursday after half term.
