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School Council

 Hello and welcome to our school council page. We hope you like our page.

Well, let us begin at the very beginning. How did we become school council? Well....way back in September our classes took part in the 'BIG VOTE'. We were the chosen ones. We were chosen because we had good ideas for our school and because we are caring and confident.

Our Teaching school Council member is Mrs L Thomas and we want to give a warm welcome to our Governing body member; Mrs Celene Williams. 

In the school fair we had a stall. For our stall we went onto the 'Traidcraft' website and bought a variety of goodies that were all made by 'fairtrade' workers. We had beautiful bracelets, perfect purses and a lovely lion puppet. We sold most of our stock and now have £54. We have decided not to spend the money right now. We are saving it for a time when we know what we would like to buy.

By the end of this year we have some aims that we would like to achieve
  • Involve the school more in suggestions on how to make our school an even better place to be.
  • Promote healthy eating even more.
  • Become a fairtrade school.
  • Help to teach children to be kind and respectful at all times.
  • Set up playground buddies.
  • Monitor and evaluate litterpicking.
  • Monitor recycling.
  •  Create a newsletter each term from the children's perspective for the children.
We will be meeting fortnightly on a Thursday, to discuss our agendas. We know that we will be great school councillors and that we will help our school greatly. Keep your eyes peeled for news and information.

This year we also have an eco council who will be Eco-warriors. We have been chosen by our class to represent the them with ideas and actions to make the school a more eco-friendly place.

What have we done in our meetings since September?
  • Litter pick
  • Litter survey
  • survey of the school that we used to make an action plan.
  • Had the idea of class councils to come up with ideas on how to save energy.
  • Given new recording sheets to all classes to record their reccyling of plastic and paper.
  • ordered energy saving radiator reflective material and draught excluders, new bins to reduce litter and water hippos to save water.

Remember if ever you want to talk about something or have an idea for our school, come to have a chat with us. 