Class Vision
We will be kind, patient and helpful to all our friends.
We will share nicely and look after everything we have in class.
We will listen carefully, try our best and be proud of our work.
Topic for this half term
The class topic for this term is 'Our Magical Garden'.
In school your child will be immersed in language experiences and activities. Their skills will develop through talking, communicating and listening. Your child will have opportunities to choose and use reading materials and will be given a wide range of opportunities to talk about reading materials available to them.
Please bring book bags in every Thursday and they will be returned on a Friday in time for the weekend.
Learning Logs and Seesaw
Learning logs and Seesaw are intended to help reinforce what is being taught in the classroom and it allows your child to share their learning with you at home. A new activity will be set each Friday and shared on your child's Seesaw online. Children can use their learning log to record their work if they wish and take a photo to share on Seesaw. Feedback will be given on Seesaw so your child does not need to bring their learning log into school each week.
PE Lessons
We have P.E on a Thursday. Currently P.E lessons need to take place outdoors so children can come to school dressed ready for PE in joggers, a t-shirt and trainers, along with a sweater as the weather gets cooler. Please label all items clearly with your child’s name.
Dinner Money
Dinner money must be paid in advance. Please see the school newsletter for details about how to pay for school dinners online.
If your child is absent from school please ring school or send a note into the teacher to explain any absence so the register can be updated as soon as possible.
I am looking forward to a successful year with your children.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Foxley